"Counsellors Matter" Support Network
"Counsellors Matter" is a support network for counsellors, CBT therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists -particularly those in the Down, Armagh, Louth, Monaghan and Cavan areas. This network is a way for professionals, and those with professional training in mental health and/or counselling (of at least three years), to network, share information and support each other. Collectively the network also allows members to raise the profile of what counselling can offer in terms of promoting health, wellness and quality of life.

Members can be from all theoretical or applied frameworks incl CBT, person-centeredness, gestalt, psychodynamic and integrative. Students are also welcome to join this network for peer support and learning. Meetings occur quarterly and can take a variety of formats to incl peer presentations, updates, Q&As, and training events at low or no cost.

Peer Supervision
It is expected that a subgroup of members will meet monthly, or every two months, for peer supervision or support. This should occur alongside individualised 1-1 supervision, and offers an opportunity for further and more in-depth peer support and learning, particularly with more experienced clinicians. Contact us at TICC for more information.
More information about clinician network meetups will be on our facebook and Twitter pages.