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"Stress Busters" is an informal 6-week CBT course to help community-based adults understand and manage stress (an umbrella term for lots of feeling states). It aims to help people manage how they feel, rather than having those moods manage them!  The latter happens when people get swept along in anxiety, stress, low mood etc. 

Our Stress Busters workshop:

  • is an informal, online psychology course; that is also suitable for delivery within organisations, or community settings for the general public
  • it is a CBT course based on principles from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which are known to be effective in treating stress and anxiety 
  • those attending gain new skills and insights about themselves, and the best ways to manage stress and feel great!  Why wait till you take a hit, or go to therapy, to gain this information? All of need to know how to cope and manage emotionally, so that we manage how we feel, rather than have our moods manage us,
  • yet there is no assumption anyone attending is stressed, as it is quite OK to attend for information and prevention if not support
  • the content of  Stress Busters is based on the very latest research evidence, but presented in an informal and relaxed way, and with supporting notes to aid recall and understanding. 
  • Stress Busters is not suitable for anyone depressed or in crisis. In such cases 1-1 therapy is needed.
  • Stress Busters is also not suitable for counselling or CBT professionals (separate training for professionals is available)


This fun, informal beginners community course is for community based adults who wish to learn more about stress (tho those very depressed or at risk may be better suited to 1-1 CBT support). Stress is an umbrella term for many feelings states incl anxiety, low mood, worry and/or panic. Yet there is no assumption that anyone attending the course is stressed, as it is quite fine to attend for information and prevention, if not support. Attendees will be men and women of any and all ages, backgrounds, faiths and cultures. 

  • attendees must be able to benefit from the course, and be open to learning. In the event of anyone being disrespectful to others, or disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave and no refund will be given, and
  • attendees must be able to respect this confidential and private space i.e. under no circumstances is recording of any kind allowed. (Any breach of this rule is treated very seriously and followed-up.)



Stress Busters is usually undertaken weekly over 5-6 sessions;  but it can be fitted into any timeslot as available incl a day or training. Weekly sessions typically are in two parts (of around 90 mins in total):

  • ​the first or main part of each session is the seminar delivered by an experienced course leader. During this seminar, there is no group work or sharing so that the privacy of attendees is protected. 
  • after a short break the last half hour or so is more interactive or practical, e.g. a gentle meditation, or having a question and answer session

 Attendees can contribute as much or as little as they wish on courses, e.g. by posting written questions into a mailbox, or by listening rather than speaking in any discussions. This course is educational rather than counselling, so at no point will attendees ever be asked in front of others to answer a question directly, or to talk about how they are feeling. Instead, all information will be on slides and in handouts.  Additionally, at all times it is quite fine simply to say “Ill pass on that” or "no comment"  if you do not wish to speak with fellow-attendees at in-person classes.



Everyone feels stressed at times,  and managing that stress can often be pure chance or luck because managing stress is not routinely taught in schools or elsewhere, and often people are not aware of what they can do to stay well and improve how they feel.  

Yet if stress stays, negative consequences can follow - time and energy get wasted, relationships become impaired, and many physical ailments or more significant emotional problems can follow.  Additionally, at such times people may not always be fulfilling their potential towards optimal contentment and functioning.   Stress Busters can help - as much for prevention and information if not support.



Stress Busters Community CBT Course - live and online with psychologist Dr Ann O'Hanlon

Regular price £75.00 £55.00 27% off
Unit price
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Tax included.


"Stress Busters" is an informal 6-week CBT course to help community-based adults understand and manage stress (an umbrella term for lots of feeling states). It aims to help people manage how they feel, rather than having those moods manage them!  The latter happens when people get swept along in anxiety, stress, low mood etc. 

Our Stress Busters workshop:

  • is an informal, online psychology course; that is also suitable for delivery within organisations, or community settings for the general public
  • it is a CBT course based on principles from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which are known to be effective in treating stress and anxiety 
  • those attending gain new skills and insights about themselves, and the best ways to manage stress and feel great!  Why wait till you take a hit, or go to therapy, to gain this information? All of need to know how to cope and manage emotionally, so that we manage how we feel, rather than have our moods manage us,
  • yet there is no assumption anyone attending is stressed, as it is quite OK to attend for information and prevention if not support
  • the content of  Stress Busters is based on the very latest research evidence, but presented in an informal and relaxed way, and with supporting notes to aid recall and understanding. 
  • Stress Busters is not suitable for anyone depressed or in crisis. In such cases 1-1 therapy is needed.
  • Stress Busters is also not suitable for counselling or CBT professionals (separate training for professionals is available)


This fun, informal beginners community course is for community based adults who wish to learn more about stress (tho those very depressed or at risk may be better suited to 1-1 CBT support). Stress is an umbrella term for many feelings states incl anxiety, low mood, worry and/or panic. Yet there is no assumption that anyone attending the course is stressed, as it is quite fine to attend for information and prevention, if not support. Attendees will be men and women of any and all ages, backgrounds, faiths and cultures. 

  • attendees must be able to benefit from the course, and be open to learning. In the event of anyone being disrespectful to others, or disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave and no refund will be given, and
  • attendees must be able to respect this confidential and private space i.e. under no circumstances is recording of any kind allowed. (Any breach of this rule is treated very seriously and followed-up.)



Stress Busters is usually undertaken weekly over 5-6 sessions;  but it can be fitted into any timeslot as available incl a day or training. Weekly sessions typically are in two parts (of around 90 mins in total):

  • ​the first or main part of each session is the seminar delivered by an experienced course leader. During this seminar, there is no group work or sharing so that the privacy of attendees is protected. 
  • after a short break the last half hour or so is more interactive or practical, e.g. a gentle meditation, or having a question and answer session

 Attendees can contribute as much or as little as they wish on courses, e.g. by posting written questions into a mailbox, or by listening rather than speaking in any discussions. This course is educational rather than counselling, so at no point will attendees ever be asked in front of others to answer a question directly, or to talk about how they are feeling. Instead, all information will be on slides and in handouts.  Additionally, at all times it is quite fine simply to say “Ill pass on that” or "no comment"  if you do not wish to speak with fellow-attendees at in-person classes.



Everyone feels stressed at times,  and managing that stress can often be pure chance or luck because managing stress is not routinely taught in schools or elsewhere, and often people are not aware of what they can do to stay well and improve how they feel.  

Yet if stress stays, negative consequences can follow - time and energy get wasted, relationships become impaired, and many physical ailments or more significant emotional problems can follow.  Additionally, at such times people may not always be fulfilling their potential towards optimal contentment and functioning.   Stress Busters can help - as much for prevention and information if not support.